Dutch and French Argo floats launchd in the Caribbean Sea in 2022

In 2022, four pairs of Argo floats where deployed in the Caribbean Sea during a cruise of the Dutch researach vessel Pelagia. Each pair consists of one Dutch and one French float, both equipped with sensors from  two different manufacturers. These deployments serve to enable a comparison between these two sensor types.

Image: KNMI
Four pairs of floats. Initially, they are very close together, but in the course of time they get more and more separated.

List of floats

A click on the float number brings you to an (external) page with up-to-date information about the float, including a visualization of the measurements.

Float# Start date End date Remarks
6903134 22.04.2022 SBE sensor (French float)
4903629 22.04.2022 RBR sensor
6903135 22.04.2022 SBE sensor (French float)
2903766 22.04.2022 RBR sensor
6903136 22.04.2022 SBE sensor (French float)
3902456 22.04.2022 RBR sensor
6903137 22.04.2022 SBE sensor (French float)
3902457 22.04.2022 RBR sensor
Two of the pairs were deployed close to the coast of South America. One pair stays close together, while the other starts to disperse immediately.
Image: KNMI
Two of the pairs were deployed in the central Caribbean Sea. Here too one pair stays close together while the other one deviate.

Image: KNMI
Comparison of the first measurement from one of the float pairs.